//Include the core class in the system include("_core/SEOCMS.Class.php"); //Get the requested routing (as is) if( !isset( $_GET['page'] ) OR $_GET['page'] == "" ) $temporary_routing = NULL; else $temporary_routing = $_GET['page']; //Declare the class, giving the temporary routing as a parameter $SEOCMS = new SEOCMS( $temporary_routing ); //If robots.txt has been requested, this is a special routing if( $SEOCMS->routing == "robots.txt" ){ //Therefore, show robots.txt content $SEOCMS->show_robots(); //And close page execution die(); } //If sitemap.xml has been requested, this is a special routing if( $SEOCMS->routing == "sitemap.xml" ){ //Therefore, show sitemap.xml content $SEOCMS->show_sitemap(); //And close page execution die(); } //If anything different than robots.txt has been requested, this is a normal routing and so we can display the page $SEOCMS->display_page(); ?>